

What is Cryotherapy and what does it treat?

Cryotherapy is a new and safe advanced treatment for the removal of skin imperfections. The treatment is fast and effective taking only 5 - 30 seconds. 

Nitrous Oxide is emitted through a fine jet under high pressure allowing for millimeter precision. The tissue is destroyed by freezing the inter-cellular fluid, forming ice shards and crystals to rupture the membrane thereby destroying the cell. This means there will be no collateral damage to the healthy tissue. 

Cryotherapy, in addition to its applications in skin imperfection removal, has gained popularity for its diverse therapeutic uses across various medical and wellness domains. Beyond cosmetic enhancements, cryotherapy has demonstrated efficacy in treating various conditions, ranging from pain management to inflammatory disorders.

This procedure is no longer being treated on the NHS by doctors so with Cryotherapy you are now able to have these treatments in aesthetic clinics.

Cryotherapy can help treat:

  • Skin tags 
  • Warts 
  • Dark spots
  • Milia
  • Solar lentigo
  • Cherry angioma
  • Viral verrucae

How it works

The applicator is held as close to the skin imperfection as possible the away and towards it. This could be for 1 to 30 seconds depending on the size of the imperfection and depth. This treatment is minimally invasive.

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